Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Ahhhh....The wonders of splicing and dicing.....


Kai Gross said...

I'm amazed at these two sites as well, particularly at Pandora. It's seems to me that the web has really created an efficient way of delivering music to the listener, and in a way that responds more closely to our tastes and needs. If previously, we were really at the mercy of mainstream tv, radio, and advertising, now the recording and music biz (for the performer as well as the consumer) has exploded and split into a million tiny niches. Maybe there are fewer blockbuster artists (who cares, really, except record companies), but it really seems that there is so much more variety available to the average consumer, and so many more ways to access this variety. Not just iTunes and Limewire, but services like Pandora and other subscription music blogs (like Music for Robots) that can introduce the listener to new music and give them instant access to it in a way that wasn't possible really 10, or even 5 years ago. You can be anywhere with an internet connection and have the same access as anyone else, even if you live in rural Wyoming, or something (nothing on Wyoming...)I definitely think the iPod is the greatest tech innovation of the last 3 or 4 years. Sites like Pandora inspire, and are inspired by the new listening culture created by the iPod. Whew. This was a long comment. Nice blog!

Sweet Rain said...

Ah hahaha ~!!
I have same one in my blog~kekeke~ It is so fun and great thoght~!!
How about we make this kind of movie with our instruments? There are wo many things to do though.