Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Recently I've been interested in creative and unique online games. Last week I came across a website that posts games from Fizzlebot's CasualGameplay Design Competitions. These games are usually puzzles that require logic. One of my favorite games from this competition is "Sprout," an adventure puzzle game which placed 1st in the competion. The unique artwork for a Flash game has a paper-cut appearance that resembles a storybook. Its soundtrack fits the atmosphere of the game with nature sounds that change to accompany the different scenes.

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The game begins with a small green seed stranded on an island. This seedl has the ability to learn to grow into different plants. For example, stuck on the island with no way to cross the water, the palm trees teach you how to grow into a coconut. With a click of the mouse you transform, and then watch the story unfold.

Different situations calls for different transformations, and you cannot always be sure what effect growing into one form can have. Becoming a coconut might help you move forward. It could also cause you to roll back to where you began. Making mistakes and testing the environment are integral parts of the experience.

There are many games posted on the site that are unique and beutiful in its own way. Take a look and enjoy!

Game Competition #1:
Game Competition #2: